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Spectator Guidance @ The Green Energy Sports Ground

Spectator Guidance @ The Green Energy Sports Ground

Stephen Rutherford21 Aug 2020 - 11:25
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Guidance to help the club make the experience as seamless as possible for home games

Hebburn Town Football Club welcome the news from the FA & UK Government earlier in the week allowing non-league clubs to allow spectators into their grounds for competitive matches.

The guidance is clear and clubs like ourselves must have the required operations in place to meet the guidance shared. As a result we have published the following advice for spectators to follow and be aware of when visiting The Green Energy Sports Ground.

On match days the car parking is dedicated to players/staff and officials of both clubs participating. We encourage spectators to utilise the additional parking opportunities along North Drive (Ground Side), Victoria Road West (Ground side on paved area) or South Drive (Ground side in spaces available or further down south drive beyond the car park gate). Note that there have been new parking measures introduced along South Drive so we ask you park sensibly and at your own risk.

Arrival at Ground
We will have two manned turnstiles in operation at games (North Drive/Victoria Road corner) and South Drive Car Park entrance. Our turnstile operators will be wearing PPE (Face coverings & protective gloves). They will take payment for entry (we do ask you try and have the correct money £5 Adult or £3 concession) to allow the transaction time to be minimal. Once paid and through the turnstile you will be met by a steward who will ask for your contact details (name and contact number) for Track & Trace purposes. This will be hand written and kept for 21 days as per government guidance or for those supporters with smartphones we'll have a QR code reader available that will allow you to complete a online form asking for the same details. If the turnstile is busy please be patient and maintain social distancing whilst waiting to enter. We encourage spactators to arrive at least 30 minutes before the KO to avoid potentially missing any of the match.
**NOTE** Failure to provide these details will result in you not gaining further entry to the facility.

In The Facility
You are free to walk around the facility but we encourage spectators to use common sense in terms of social distancing from other outside of your company.
We have hand sanitiser stations around the sports club area of the facility for spectators to use.
When the match starts spectators must position themselves around the pitch, you can stand/sit in groups of 6 (from two different households) whilst also ensuring you maintain a acceptable social distance from anyone else (2 meters). We will have committee persons on duty but please make their job easier by using common sense as it's a hard enough task to begin with for the club.

Services Available
The Sports Bar & Cafe will both be open allowing spectators to purchase alcoholic and soft drinks as well as limited food. Both facilities have guidelines regarding social distancing, such as queuing and sitting at designated tables. Once again we ask for a smooth day/service that spectators are patient but once again use common sense.
After 4pm the onsite Greek Food fan is available for food purchases in the Car Park area.

There are ample toilets available inside the facility as well as port-a-loos outside in various locations.

If spectators use any of the service facilities we ask you put your own rubbish in the bins provided around the facility.

We will endeavor to make all spectators visit a good experience on match days, we appreciate your co-operation in advance to help us make our operation as smooth as possibly can be. We will make regular tannoy announcements regarding safety measures as a precaution/awareness.

We have attached our specified Risk Assessment to this communication, this is also available in the designated Covid-19 page in the "Information" section of our website.

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you all.

Enjoy the match

Further reading